You need a loan now, you need it approved quickly, and you don't have time for the hassle and stress of visiting your traditional bank and filling in numerous forms. New Fidelity understands your situation and designed our loan packages to solve all of those problems. Once you experience the quick and simple process we have developed, you will never want to borrow money from any other company. At New Fidelity we solve problems; we don't create them.

trustpilot (3)

New Fidelity did an amazing job!

Ryan Bartholome

Has debt taken over your life?

Has debt taken over your life, to the point where it is affecting your health? You cannot get to sleep at night, because you are sick with worry. Perhaps you are struggling with the weight of the burden entirely on your own because you cannot tell your partner how serious the problems are. This, in turn, makes things worse, as they keep asking you to buy something for the kids or to go on vacation. Rather than explain the situation, you get yourself into further debt trying to keep up appearances. If this sounds familiar, then you are not alone.

Debt is like a snake; it sneaks up on you and slowly squeezes the life out of you. But the good news is that there is an escape plan and at New Fidelity Funding we have helped thousands of families turn their lives around. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. The harsh reality is that if you keep spending as you have been, the situation is only going to deteriorate. You need to make some drastic changes, and the team at New Fidelity Funding are here to set you on the path to financial freedom.

Take a few minutes to imagine how life would be with one simple payment, without the hassle of dealing with numerous companies, stealing from Peter to pay Paul. The good news is New Fidelity Funding can help those dreams become a reality. And things get even better because we have a straightforward three-step process which means your financial situation could be off life-support and on the path to recovery within a few weeks. Stop all of your stress and worry today, life is too short, and you and your family deserve better.

The New Fidelity Funding Rate Calculator

Every person’s financial situation is unique, and so we treat everyone as an individual. We understand that you are worried and stressed, and the last thing we want to do is add to that problem, so we came up with a solution for that as well. We offer a huge range of different products; we wanted to ensure there was a product for everyone. All you need to do is fill in a few details in our Funding Rate Calculator. It will only take you a couple of minutes, and within a very short period of time, you will receive your exclusive set of offers. We are confident they will be much better than you imagined, and then you have taken the first step on the path to financial freedom.

fidelity New funding Rate Calculator
accept and Sign The Paperwork

You Need To Accept and Sign The Paperwork

Although New Fidelity Funding has tried in every way to make the process as simple as possible, there are specific banking regulations that we have to follow, and one of those is completing the paperwork. However, as with everything we do, we have made the entire process as pain-free as possible. We will complete all of the paperwork; we will highlight the interest rate, the cost of the monthly repayments, the length of the agreement, and any other essential details. The form will be easy to understand; we want you to be confident that you are entering into a partnership with a company you can rely on. Simply sign the paperwork and send it back to us, and believe it or not, that is all that we require from you.

Wait A Few Days For Your Money To Arrive

We know it is hard to believe, but, that’s all there is to it. In most cases, the money will be in your account within 48 hours, sometimes even quicker. And what's more, we treat you as an adult; there are no restrictions placed on what you can spend the money on, you can do whatever you like with it. Together with New Fidelity Funding, you have the opportunity to turn your life around, to live your dreams, and to dig yourself out of the horrible situation you find yourself in. Start your application today; your entire life could have changed by this time next week.

wait a few days

How to lower your debt?

Our process has been designed to make everything as quick and straightforward as possible. The only question you will have at the end of the process is to ask why every other company makes things so complicated.

Step 1 – Complete the Application

Fill in the quick and easy form to obtain your personalized list of loan offers. The form is short and takes less than a few minutes to fill out; it can be completed from the comfort of your home, and there is no need to meet any one in person.

Step 2 – Review Your Loan Offers

We understand how stressful it can be waiting to learn whether or not you have been accepted for a loan. There are so many things hanging on the answer, and it can be a very frustrating situation. That is why we do everything in our power to give you a response as quickly as possible. We have one of the highest approval and satisfaction ratings of any personal loan provider, and we are confident that we will have a product to meet your requirements, whatever your situation.

Step 3 – Your Bank Account Funded

Once you are approved for your loan, we will deposit the money into your account within 24 hours. You are then free to spend that money on whatever you choose; we do not place any stipulations on you whatsoever. You could use it as a consolidation loan, to clear off all your other debts, or to take the family on an amazing vacation. The choice is entirely up to you, so enjoy it.

What Makes Us Unique

New Fidelity is a loan provider with an excellent reputation. We design and develop products that solve a problem for our customers. Every part of our process is streamlined with the customer in mind. We provide you with three main benefits.


Quick Loan Approval

No need to wait for days or weeks for a decision on your loan application. In many cases, we can give you an answer within a couple of hours, but in most cases in less than 24 hours. We are committed to removing the financial stresses and strains people face, which is why we deliver the answers you need urgently.


Flexible Terms

We treat every customer as an individual – we understand that everyone is in a different financial position. That is why we offer flexible terms that provide you with a wide range of repayment options. Prefer to repay the money over a more extended period of time to lower your monthly payments – no problem. Maybe you want to increase the repayment amount to clear the balance quickly – no problem. You remain in control at all times, and we are always at the end of the phone should you need to ask any questions.


No Hidden Fees

We are always open, honest, and straightforward. We detest hidden fees, which is why we don't have any, and never will. Whatever you are quoted is exactly what you will pay. Our customers love our straightforward approach, which is why they continue to do business with us.

We Have Helped Thousands of People Just Like You

The day that changed my life

"The day I found New Fidelity Funding was probably the day that changed my life. I was under so much pressure, I wasn't sleeping, I felt ill constantly, and to make matters worse, I was scared to tell my wife, because I didn't want her to worry. I had looked into debt consolidation, but I was worried about being rejected and the humiliation that would cause me. Then I found New Fidelity Funding and saw that I could apply online. Within a few days, they said yes, and all of my problems were solved. If you are worried about your debts, try New Fidelity Funding. It was the best thing I ever did."

trustpilot (3)

New Fidelity did an amazing job!

Ryan Bartholome

What Makes New Fidelity Funding Different?

We understand that there are hundreds of different companies that could offer you a loan. We wanted to stand out from the crowd, and so we identified all of the pain points of applying for a loan, and we set out to fix them. We believe that you won’t find an easier, friendly, or less complicated company to work with anywhere. We get the vast majority of our new customers from personal recommendation, which is a fact that makes us very proud.


A Quick And Efficient Process

Perhaps the biggest complaint we heard from people we spoke to was the complexity and length of time it took for them to apply for money elsewhere. If they were struggling financially, the last thing they wanted was to put their lives on hold for another two or three months, in anticipation of being accepted for a loan, and with no guarantee, they even qualify. We understood that, which is why we developed and introduced our revolutionary process. It is designed to be quick, efficient, and hassle-free; we know you will love it. Life is complicated enough, why make something as simple as applying for a loan so difficult?


Flexible Options Designed To Suit Your Situation

How can anyone plan for the future without knowing their commitments? You cannot make a decision until you know the facts, which is why we provide our customers with a broad range of options. Whether you prefer lower repayments, or only want to take out a loan over 12 months, we give you all of these options. Our staff will even discuss the options with you, not to push you into a decision, but to explain the best options for your situation. Sometimes it can make a huge difference to talk to someone who is not emotionally involved. That personal touch is something our customers appreciate.


No Hidden Fees Ever

We are an honest and open company that is determined to improve the financial health of our customers. Many people we spoke to when we were designing our product portfolio expressed their frustrations about hidden charges or fees they didn't even know existed. We have a strict policy at New Fidelity Funding where hidden fees are banned. None of our products have or will ever have them, whatever you are quoted is exactly what you will pay. 


We Could Help You To Improve Your Credit Score

If you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, missing or being late with some payments, then your credit score will start to take a hit. Depending on your situation, you might even be contemplating bankruptcy, with the risk of losing your home.  As your credit score deteriorates, it only makes things more difficult moving forward. It becomes harder to get accepted for a loan, and the interest rate will be higher. With a loan from New Fidelity Funding that has been designed to fit in with your financial situation, you will be in a better position to keep up with your repayments. Once you have completed the loan, you will be debt-free, and your credit score should have improved as you have demonstrated financial discipline.

We Work With

Take A Deep Breath And Begin To Dream

New Fidelity Funding Is Your Ticket To The Future

Life can be hard, and when you are in a bad financial situation, then it can be all-encompassing. It is terrible for your physical and emotional health; it puts your relationships in danger. You are no longer living your life; you are merely existing. Take back control of your situation, and work with the team at New Fidelity. Our customers only have one complaint about New Fidelity Funding. They just wish they had found us sooner. New Fidelity is helping families regain control of their lives by providing them with the financial solutions they need. We look forward to making your family our next success story.

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